- Quick Acting and Fast Drying
- No Heating Required
- Non-Flammable
- Quickly Penetrates and Emulsifies Soils
D-Greeze™ ES-150D
D-Greeze 150D is a quick acting, fast drying non-flammable cleaner / degreaser that is used for both surface preparation prior to painting and cleaning the inside of tubes. D-Greeze 150D, performing at room temperature, is able to penetrate narrow orifices and complex geometries to remove oils, flux, grease and other soils from ferrous and non-ferrous metals.
Unique Properties
D-Greeze ES-150D offers a unique combination of properties. It combines both a low surface tension with a high KB value, enabling it to quickly penetrate narrow orifices and complex part geometries to dissolve soils. It is efficient in removing oils, flux, grease and other soils.
Easy Cleaning
D-Greeze ES-150D is suitable for use with all ferrous and non-ferrous metals, including titanium, zinc, magnesium, aluminum, copper, stainless steel and carbon steel and is a drop in replacement for most any degreaser/cleaner.
It is compatible with most existing degreasing methods and equipment. This includes immersion tanks with or without agitation, non-atomizing spray wash systems and wipe off. Efficient cleaning of tubes and pipes is accomplished by flushing the degreaser through the tube or pipe.
D-Greeze ES-150D has a non-offensive minimal odor. It contains no ozone depleting components, no hazardous air pollutants or any SARA listed components. It is non-carcinogemc.
Special Features
D-Greeze ES-150D aggressively penetrates and emulsifies oils and greases on metal surfaces. No heating of the solution is required. Agitation of the degreaser or the parts will reduce cleaning time. When agitated, oils and greases become emulsified so when parts are removed they are not contaminated.